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Typical job for boys? Definitely not!
Gebrüder Munzert is once again taking part in the nationwide day of action and thus enables a detailed insight into the supposedly “boys affiliated” job training of production mechanics.
Maike Suttner from Naila didn’t want to miss this opportunity on April 28th. Based on a special Girls’ Day fabric design, she accompanied the entire creation process of a jacquard-woven textile – from the thread to the finished fabric.
The highlight of the production process was, of course, seeing the Girls’ Day logo previously designed on the computer, to be actually woven on the loom. Maike diligently supported her guide for the day, Lina Horn (apprentice in the 1st year of training for product design), with the color selection for the fabric and the actual weaving process on the machine.
The student was also able to get an insight into other departments such as the design studio and quality control department. Especially in the fabric inspection, Maike showed a good eye and recognized all weaving errors based on sample patterns.
At the end, all participants gathered to reflect on the impressions of the day. As a token, Maike received a pencil case. Of course, it was made from the fabric that the student had previously woven herself.
A day full of exciting impressions and new experiences that will hopefully inspire Maike to take up a technical apprenticeship.
TRY, EXPERIENCE, DO IT YOURSELF! Under this premise, Gebrüder Munzert repeatedly gives young people an insight into the diversity of the apprenticeships on offer and hopes to inspire young talents for the textile industry.
Apprenticeship positions at Gebrüder Munzert are also available again for September 2022.
For more information, visit www.gm-grossartigemoeglichkeiten.de