Company address
Gebrüder Munzert GmbH & Co. KG
Ernst-Richard-Funke-Str. 17-19
95119 Naila
Tel. +49 9282 3090
Fax +49 9282 309-189
Dipl. Kfm. Bernd Kout
Further particulars
The company Gebrüder Munzert GmbH & Co. KG is registered with the Amtsgericht (local court) Hof under the number HRA 1040. The individually liable company is Gebrüder Munzert Verwaltungs GmbH in Naila. It is registered with the Amtsgericht Hof under the number 709.
The sales tax ID number is DE 133181252.
The tax number is 223 169 55901.
Responsible for the content
Dipl. Kfm. Bernd Kout
Design und implementation
SCHROEDER Werbeagentur GmbH
Breitengraserstraße 6
90482 Nürnberg
Tel. +49 (0) 9 11 – 21 65 54 60
Fax +49 (0) 9 11 – 21 65 54 65
Company address
Gebrüder Munzert GmbH & Co. KG
Ernst-Richard-Funke-Str. 17-19
95119 Naila
Tel. +49 9282 3090
Fax +49 9282 309-189
Dipl. Ing. Klaus Munzert
Dipl. Kfm. Bernd Kout
Further particulars
The company Gebrüder Munzert GmbH & Co. KG is registered with the Amtsgericht (local court) Hof under the number HRA 1040. The individually liable company is Gebrüder Munzert Verwaltungs GmbH in Naila. It is registered with the Amtsgericht Hof under the number 709.
The sales tax ID number is DE 133181252.
The tax number is 223 169 55901.
Responsible for the content
Dipl. Kfm. Bernd Kout
Design und implementation
SCHROEDER Werbeagentur GmbH
Breitengraserstraße 6
90482 Nürnberg
Tel. +49 (0) 9 11 – 21 65 54 60
Fax +49 (0) 9 11 – 21 65 54 65
Liability exclusion/disclaimer
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The author assumes no liability whatsoever for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author referring to damages of material or non-material nature, which are caused by the use or disuse of the featured information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are generally excluded unless the author verifiably acted with intent or gross negligence. All offers are non-binding and are subject to change. The author expressly reserves the right to change, amend, delete or to temporarily or permanently discontinue parts of the website or the entire offer without prior notice.
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The author strives to observe the copyrights to the used graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts in all publications, to use graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts which he created himself, or to use license-free graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts. All trademarks and brands which are mentioned on the website and which are possibly protected by third parties are, without limitation, subject to the provisions of the respectively valid trademark law and the rights of ownership of the respectively registered owners. From the mere mentioning, it cannot be concluded that trademarks are not protected by rights of third parties! The copyright for published objects which were created by the author himself remain exclusively with the author of the pages. The duplication or use of such graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications without the express consent of the author is not permitted.
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Liability exclusion/disclaimer
1. Content of the website
The author assumes no liability whatsoever for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against the author referring to damages of material or non-material nature, which are caused by the use or disuse of the featured information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are generally excluded unless the author verifiably acted with intent or gross negligence. All offers are non-binding and are subject to change. The author expressly reserves the right to change, amend, delete or to temporarily or permanently discontinue parts of the website or the entire offer without prior notice.
2. Copyright and trademark law
For direct or indirect reference to third-party websites (“links”) which are beyond the author’s field of responsibility, a liability obligation would only be effective if the author knew about the contents and if it would be reasonable and technically possible for the author to prevent the use in case of illegal contents. The author expressly declares that at the time the link was placed, no illegal contents were identifiable on the pages to be linked. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future configuration, the contents or the creatorship of the linked pages. Therefore, the author hereby dissociates himself expressly from all contents of all linked websites which were changed after the link was placed. This statement applies to all links and references placed within the own internet offer as well as to third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists which were set up by the author. Not the person who merely refers to the respective publication by means of links, but the provider of the linked website is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages which are caused by the use or disuse of such offered information.t.
3. Copyright and trademark law
The author strives to observe the copyrights to the used graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts in all publications, to use graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts which he created himself, or to use license-free graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts. All trademarks and brands which are mentioned on the website and which are possibly protected by third parties are, without limitation, subject to the provisions of the respectively valid trademark law and the rights of ownership of the respectively registered owners. From the mere mentioning, it cannot be concluded that trademarks are not protected by rights of third parties! The copyright for published objects which were created by the author himself remain exclusively with the author of the pages. The duplication or use of such graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications without the express consent of the author is not permitted.
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This disclaimer is an integral part of the Internet offer from which a link was placed to this page. If parts or individual phrases of this text do not, no longer or not fully comply with the legal situation, the content and validity of the other parts of the document remain unaffected by this.